
skate and create...

till we meet again...
ps, i heard a rumor that someones been sipping coffee while smoking a girt again...


i'm just a simple kinda man...

even tho i'm only living like ten mins from my previous pad it feels like im in a whole new neighbourhood, and it reminds me of the area i grew up in... needless to say i am stoked.
fall was lookin as good as a pretty girl in skinny jeans and stiletto high heals the other day...

i think i might have a problem with black and white shoes...
till we meet again,


penny lane...

lee brought a new baby home...
welcome to our family ms. penny...
till we meet again...


council of doom!

i spent last week with one of my favourite homeboys steve, 
he introduced me to this california crew... the council of doom...
heres the trailer to there fixed video... stokes me out, makes me ill on skating and biking...

council of doom: official full-length trailer from wolfgang on Vimeo.

till we meet again,

the blue man group...

how sick is this.

till we meet again.




road rally, euro speed racers...

2nd annual redbull car klunker rally... we had hekka teams this year. i was stationed at the graffitti gallery with two monstrous babes miss freya and the new to my world miss janique... art happened, fun was had...

the intergalactic rap battle round two... 
the norse end boys
gone fishin' let us know how to keep the woman happy... flapjacks... i said pancakes
the klunker was followed up by mstrkrft, all in all a pretty mental day and night... 
see ya next year.
benny... cant wait to see your beautiful blonde locks.
till we meet again,


how do i get to never never land....

i have had a busy last few weeks, moved to a new pad, got a few new fines, bruises and hazy memories. thank god for this blog, helping me keep track of the fun times...

who the fuck drinks chocolate milk at the bar... silas does i guess.

session ender.
congrats mike. im saving some wall space for this pretty girl and if you ride skinny boards, put it under your feet.

check it out, famous skateboarders.

i love cain.
sweet party bros.

check it out. steve's in town.
goodbye grant.
first beer at the new pad.

everyone's switching to bmx bars.... hmm
come by and visit my new space, we'll sip a beer by the river.
till we meet again.